Food & Drinks near the Funk Zone – I like to call this area, funk zone-ish

Third Window Brewery 

We used to go for the beer, now we go for the beer and the food. The family Third Window family added Third Window Kitchen at some point and it is bomb. All living inside The Haley Street Corridor.

Third Window Kitchen offers a variety of different foods, one of my personal faves is their smash burgers. I have waited a long time in line for one of these babies. Most everyone who works there is super nice and they are pretty darn patient with the plethora of small kids that are running around.

Third window offers wine, but so does…

Potek Winery is a hop skip and a jump away from Third Window Burgers. Wines are made by local winery Municipal Winery (in the Funk Zone).

Twenty Four Black Birds Chocolate

Are you a chocolate person? Well, these hand Made Artisan Chocolates might be your thing. Beautiful and hand crafted, costs a lot, but worth it if you are a chocolate person. If you wanna geek out on beautiful and delicious chocolates, then please go here now. They can take you there. Now offering a few different tours.

Carr Winery

Carr Winery

I think of this beautiful wine tasting room as one of the OG Wine Spots. Ahead of there time with getting people in for fun day and evening events. Great space, decent parking and air conditioning. I mean, come on now! Oh and the wine is bomb.

Cutler’s Distiller opens their #2 Location…

Oh and I hear Cutlers Distillery is opening up in the old home of Telegraph Brewery located a door or two down from Carr!!! I am so excited to visit and thrilled for them! YAY Ian.

Ian owner of, Cutler's Artisan Spirits


Rose Cafe

The spot on Haley has been around for as long as I remember. It is in an institution. Rose Cafe #2 is also a Mesa institution. Been around so long and just realized they do not have a website HOWEVER, you can call and check wait times. I am not mad about that.


I know there are other gems near by like Lighthouse Coffee and Caje on Haley and I am sure more and more keep opening, but will stop here for now and save those for another day.


Now go book your tours with us. Thanks. Bye.

Also, sorry if any of the blog looks wonky – things always seem to shift a little and it is very annoying.



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