Santa Barbara loves to offer things to do and festivals are definitely among those things to do…

I did a quick google search and found even more Festivals and events that I either forgot about or just learned about! We aren’t even talking about the festivals dedicated to just wine or wine and beer. We are talking about park festivals, water front festivals, movie festivals. Enjoy my list of festivals in Santa Barbara throughout 2024 and beyond. We will be publishing a Festival WITH Parade post soon, check that one out, so you get the real scope of how many festivaly things Santa Barbara has to offer!

The 37th Annual Santa Barbara Kite Festival takes place at Santa Barbara City College on April 14, 2024 from 11-4pm. I can honestly say that festival always seems like so much fun and every year I forget about it until it is happening. Maybe this year will be my year, maybe not.

May is a month of festivals…

Does a 3 day experience count as a festival? Probably not, but let’s just throw this one in here for fun. Taste of Santa Barbara by Santa Barbara Culinary Experience (not sure who these people are) and how many events will have this name? How many people will confuse it for the OG Taste Santa Barbara tour? Enough. At some point maybe we will join forces. For now this event takes places May 13-19, 2024 and is somehow dedicated to Julia Child and her love of food. Click here to see a list of their events.

Now here is something fun, I just read about Wuala Festival and I had no clue of it’s existence. Happening May 25, 2024 & benefits the non profit Sarah House. Looks like it will be a love filled music festival benefiting a non profit – I AM IN. Find out more.

The annual iModannari festival takes place outside the Santa Barbara Mission every memorial day weekend. Some of the most amazing chalk art and all proceeds go to Children’s Creative Project. Boasting Music, food, wine and amazing chalk art. Is it a festival? Not sure. Festival or not, it is always awesome!

So many festivals in Santa Barbara County…

On June 15, 2024, we are having a Juneteenth Block Party! I am super stoked to check this one out!

Lucidity festival happens June 28th – 30th.This is a camping one with music, dancing, dressing up, perhaps a mini burning man? I don’t know, I am not a camper. I am sure it is really a great time that I am missing out on, but not my thang.

Lavender festival happens on June 29th, 2024 (great for the other non campers who stay in town). It takes place at Santa Barbara City College. My 4 year old is REALLY into lavender these days, so you will very likely find us there – for better or worse.

August 24, 2024 we have a Pacific Pride event! Visit the website to see more of their events, there are a lot of cool ones.

Lemon Festival!  I actually don’t really know why we have to have this one, but I will find out! And festivals are fun! This year Lemon fest takes place September 28 and 29, 2024 at Girsch Park in Goleta, CA (near our Costco). There are multiple stages with a car show, activities like pie eating contests, dance, cheering, live music and so much more. If you want to get involved with Lemon Festival, you can do that too! Summer in Santa Barbara seems to be in September, so don’t forget your sunblock.

The Avocado Festival takes place in Carpinteria. Which is very fitting because there are so many avo farms there. Music, avocado food, like avo ice cream and other weird things that are awesome. I cant seem to find the 2024 dates yet, but probably the first Friday – Sunday in October (don’t mark my words on that, double check as it gets closer to October). All proceeds of the festival go to the Carpinteria Education Foundation and the Future Farmers of America.

We like films too…

Santa Barbara International Film Festival happens every year in January. What is it? You guessed it, a festival of films. In February we also host the BANFF film festival. In October 24 -25, 2024 we have the Indie Film Festival.A film festival opportunity to celebrate youth and independent art filmmakers! I am here for all the film festivals.

We also love our Harbor and are grateful for our fishermen/ladies!

Harbor & Seafood Festival! October 19, 2024. Located at, yes, the harbor and yes, there is a lot of seafood! 10 am to 4 pm. Please don’t bring animals, just come and eat the animals.

Now that I have told you about 500 festivals, half of which you may or may not have known existed, time to book your tour with Taste SB right now.


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