Kid Friendly Santa Barbara: Activities & Events
There are a lot of kid friendly activities in Santa Barbara. Below is a list of some of the Santa Barbara activties and events that I have a range of feelings for from love to tolerate, but do not hate.
Kid friendly events this mom digs
PEP – Touch A Truck Just like it sounds, kids can ride on and touch so many different types of vehicles!
Most Events at the SB Zoo – (boo at the zoo and zoo lights are my current faves, princess day is pretty great too!)
Fiesta Events – any and all of them! – yearly, the first week of August.
Lemon Festival – Goleta’s annual weekend festival in September
Avocado Festival – Carpinteria’s annual weekend festival in October
Summer Solstice Parade & Festival – I think I like the idea of this one because I do love summer, but why are parades ALWAYS the hottest time of day? June event
Those are just a few of the many events I attend with my girls…
Stay tuned for more of the ones I like and maybe even some I don’t like. Also, go on one of our tours. My little came with me and wanted to eat all my tacos and look cute…so, we leave it up to you if your kid(s) will enjoy tours.
WARNING: do not try to take your kids to a wine only event, they are not allowed or invited. However, we have a ton of fun things and events for kids and the adults probably won’t hate them. I will make a list of the ones I love and the ones (I personally do not love). Just because I don’t love something at this moment in time, does not mean you will feel the same way!